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here are some bios of your favorite demons, humans, and half-demons!
name: kouga age: 16 or 17 weapon: katana (sword) ocupation: leader of the wolf demon tribe
kouga is the leader of his wolf demon tribe in the mountains. although he appears human, he is actually a wolf. he also has three shikon shards, one in his right arm (for a while) and one in each leg. the shards in his legs make him able to run ultra-super-fast. kouga and his tribe are firece enemies with the gokuachrou, the birds of paradise. the 'harpies' attack kouga's tribe, and devour their wolves. and kouga suspects that the harpie king has a shikon shard. so when he meets inuyasha and the others, he finds out that kagome can see shikon shards, and kidnaps her. while being hostage in his den, kouga falls in love with kagome, and declares her 'his woman.' this certainly surprises inuyasha when he finds out, and kagome tries her hardest to try to deny it. while in his fight, kouga loses the shard in his right arm. and inuyasha destroys the harpie king. later on in the story, inuyasha is framed with the crime of murdering kouga's comerades. having deep respect for his comerades, kouga becomes furious, and viciously attacks inuyasha. when he finds out that the demon naraku and his minion, kagura, killed his comerades, he swears his revenge on naraku and kagura. he goes out in search of naraku, with his two friends, ginta and hakkaku. and during their journies, he runs into kagome, which really pisses inuyasha off.
kouga's first appearence-ep. #35 manga vol. 14 |
ginta and hakkaku
names: ginta and hakkaku ages: unknown, mabe kouga's age weapons: hiding behind kouga, nothing ocupations: kouga's best friends
ginta is the one on the right, hakkaku is the one on the left. they are kouga's best friends, and go with him in kouga's search for naraku. they really have no strengths, except a little fighting power, see epiosde 77. really, all they're good for is keeping kouga in line (cause we all know how outta control he can get! :D) and making sure kouga doesn't go over his head. they are actually pretty much scaredy-cats, or should i say, scardy wolves.
ginta and hakkaku's first apperances-episode #36 manga vol. 14
name: ayame age: 15 or 16 (maybe) weapons: leaves ocupation: grand-daughter of important wolf leader
ayame is the grand-daughter of a leader of a wolf tribe. when she was a child, she had to train with her grandfather in the mountains. one day, she wandered too close to a harpies nest, and they attacked her, before the harpie struck, kouga ran in, and killed them. while carring ayame back to her tribe, kouga said he would marry ayame, only if she came down from the mountains. unfortunetly, she DID return from the mountains, and tried her best to make kouga live up to his promise. but kouga claims he doesn't remember making such a promise. besides, he was already engaged to a woman named kagome O__o kagome denies it yet again, and tries to get kouga to remember his promise. no one is sure if kouga was really sure if kouga was serious about his promise, i guess we might find out when the series ends, yes, i know its sad, but the show will eventually end :,(
ayame's first appearence-ep. #83 manga vol. ?? |
name: kagome age: 15 weapons: purifing arrow ocupation: shikon no tama collector
kagome is a young girl who travels back and forth through eras, the feudal era, and the present. she is the reincarnation of a priestess, kikyo, and is able to see shards of the shikon jewel. that is the reason kouga kidnapped her, so she could find the shards the harpies had. kouga falls in love with kagome, which embarasses her to the max. this also pisses inuyasha way off. cause inuyasha won't admit it, but he has feelings for kagome. kouga knows this as well, but he continues to court kagome, hoping to win her affections. kouga wants to kill inuyasha, so kagome will forget about him, and fall in love with him. but i seriously dought that will EVER happen.
kagome's first appearence-ep. #1 manga vol. 1
name: inuyasha age: appears 16 or 17, but really 66 or 67 weapons: tetsuiga ocupation: shikon no tama collector
as you can see, inuyasha and kouga are always fighting. thats because inuyasha and kouga are fierce rivals for kagome's love. its a vicious love triangle kagome would rather not be in. anyways, inuyasha is a cute little half-demon, and was pinned to a tree by the prietess, kikyo, 50 years ago. narakau really tircked kikyo and inyasha against none another, and caused kikyo's hate for inuyasha. since kagome is kikyo's reincarnation, she traveled to the past, and freed inuyasha from his spell. and kagome resembles and as the powers of kikyo, and inuyasha loves her. inuyasha got really mad when kouga declared kagome 'his woman.' he's mad because inuyasha doesn't want to admit it, but he has feelings for kagome. inuyasha also wants the shikon jewel so he can become full demon.
inuyasha's first appearence-ep. #1 manga vol. 1 |
name: miroku age: 17 or 18 weapons: staff, wind tunnel ocupation: buddhist monk
miroku is by far my FAVORITE human in this series. although he is not apart of the love tiangle between kouga, kagome, and inuaysha; he is a big part of the story. when miroku was just an infant, his grandfather battled agianst the demon naraku. unfortunelty, his grandfather lost the fight, because naraku was disguised as a beautiful woamn, and the family weakness, is women; and was cursed with a tunnel in his hand. the curse was to to carry down through his family of men. miroku's grandfather, and father had it, now he is cursed with it. now the only was to reverse the curse is to destroy naraku. eventually, his wind-tunnel with devour him, so to carry on his misson, ha wishes to have a son. so he asks every pretty women he meets to bear his child. he is either rejected, and bashed on the head, or accepted, but the woman turns out to be a demon or something. another one of his hobbies is groping women (grabbing their butts) not your average monk, huh?
miroku's first appearence-ep. #16 manga vol. 6
name: sango age: 17 or 18 weapons: boomerage
ocupation: demon exterminator
sango is a demon exterminator, its like regualar exterminators in our time, except she exterminates MUCH bigger bugs, and demons too. she is my favorite girl in the series. she is a tough girl, just like me (see home page). anyways, she joins up with inuyasha and the others because she REALLY hates narkau. he tricked her, some of her friends, and her father and brother, kohaku, to exterminate a demon. with their best extermiators out, their village was attacked, and the villagers slaughtered. and naraku posessed kohaku, and he killed their friends, and their own father. he was about to slaughter sango, but he was shot by arrrows, and killed by the palace guards. naraku makes sango believe inuaysha killed her villagers, so she fights him, but learns later, that naraku killed them. later on, naraku brings kohaku back to life, and now uses him as a lap-dog. she wants to free her brother of his hold on naraku, so she joins the others to destroy him, YOU GO GIRL!
sango's first appearence-ep. #24 manga vol. 9
name: shippo age: ?? 9 or 10 weapons: all his little toys
ocupation: KAWAII LITTLE FOX!!!!!
shippo really has no reason to kill naraku, he just wants to because he hates all the evil things that he's done to his friends. he just goes with the others because he has no other place to go. shippo's father was killed by two demons, known as the thunder brothers, hiten and manten. they killed his father because he held a shard of the shikon jewel. he meets inuyasha, and he later kills the thunder brothers. shippo doesn't really have any fight skills, but he has a lot of little weapons, like a little top, that turn enormous, and squishes things. he can also transform into things, such as a bow, or even kouga! for example, in episode 37, he transforms into kouga, and tries to trick his henchmen to think its really kouga, so him and kagome could escape.
shippo's first appearence-ep. #9 manga vol. 3

name: naraku (onigumo) age: no freakin clue!!! weapons: minions, shape-shifting, setting traps
ocupation: bad-ass mutha' - shut your mouth!
okay peolpe, its time for the big-daddy of bad things. naraku is one bad egg. he is the reason for kouga's bretheren's death, inuyasha's and kikyo's little situation, miroku's wind-tunnel, and sango's hatred for abusing her brother. yea, he's just plain evil, no wonder his name in japanese literally means 'hell'. naraku wasn't always just plain naraku, he was really once a guy named onigumo. onigumi was a thief that suffered serious burns, and kikyo tended to him. onigumi later pleaded to the demons to devour his body, and impower him with their abilties, thus, naraku was born. apperently, naraku LOVES to set traps, such as his whole trap with sango and her fellow demon exterminators, and kouga, amd his bretherens untimely deaths. he also spawns more little versions of himself. as of now, he has two, kagura the wind sorrceress, and kanna, and her magic mirror that captures souls. he also had one named goshinki, a mind reader, but he was easliy killed by inuyasha when he transformed. naraku wants to gather all the shards of the jewel, so he can become full demon. beacuse he was once onigumo, a human, he has human blood in him, and with the power of the shikon jewel, he can become full demon. basically, he and inuyasha want the jewel for the same purposes. but he does have a few shards out and about. one to keep kohaku alive, and 7 others for the shichinintai, and band of fighters-for-hire, to keep them alive.
naraku's first apperances-episode #16 manga vol. 9
name: kagura age: ??? weapons: wind
ocupation: naraku's minion